We finally finished up our home study and we are so SO excited!  It was a bit of a long road with our social worker but we could not be more happy with the fact that it’s finally over and a good report is on it’s way to being completed.  : )   For anyone considering adoption, in the process, or just curious about details I would like to say that home studies are not always that easy.  Before we jumped into ours we were fairly prepared to answer some tough personal questions, try to be honest and open with someone we’d never met and to be understanding about the governments need to approve of a couple before letting just anyone bring a child into their home.  However, by the time we were finished we felt as if we had somewhat understated the ability of this personal background check to overwhelm our fragile emotions as hopeful new parents.  Insecurities surrounding our imperfections are only magnified in the process of being singled out and evaluated on ones ability to parent based on background, beliefs and current way of life!  It is a difficult process to be forced through!

However, God is good!  He brought us through in good standing with our social worker and our self esteem still intact.  We learned a lot through this soul searching process as well!  We are so grateful to have been forced to think deeply about some of the ways in which we will parent our child.  It was difficult brain stretching at times for two people who have never experienced parenthood, but nontheless I know we both greatly benifited from having to think so hard about our intentions for our future family.  We will be better parents for it and I know God used this difficult circumstance for good!

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers – more to come!

bandofbrothers - September 28, 2010 - 3:29 pm

thanks for the update! i want to hear more!

Tasha - September 30, 2010 - 2:24 pm

Hey Grovers! I wanted to let you know that I love getting these updates! Keep them coming! I prayed today for your communication through the process and for when your little one comes. Communication as a new parent can be tricky (trust me on this one!!!), so make sure you take the time to share your new thoughts and feelings.

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